Thursday, February 9, 2012

Keeping Miss Mylee Busy

So a few days ago I came across some bingo daubers at the dollar store and remembered there are some type of alphabet sheets floating around on the Internet to use with them, so I got some. They stayed in the bag for a few days than I decide to get off my butt and get them out.

I did some searching on the computer and came up with some great sites to get free printables, just scroll down and she has tons of links to other pages.

So now you know where to get the daubers and the printables, now your asking yourself why would I go through the trouble of getting all of this. It will keep your child occupied for quite awhile. On top of that they are not very messy, they don't take long to set up or put away, and your kiddo can sit beside you and do them.

Mylee has been working on letters, shapes and different animal pictures. She wants to do page after page. I have to stop her or she would do everyone I had. Today alone she did 13 pages :)

My husband inquired last night if I was "training her to play BINGO" or was this some new type of art. Of course I replied we are in heavy BINGO training, have to win the big jackpot on Saturday. LOL

Here are some of her creations and the little dotter herself.

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